What can a small business do for malware prevention? Find here!


Hackers have been using malware for the longest time, to attack businesses and individual users alike. Malware stands for malicious software, and it can be used for varied illegal activities. Depending on the type of malware being used, the program can steal, encrypt, delete or modify existing data, can be used for spying on user activities, or can be a tool for extorting money. Common malware types include ransomware, adware, spyware, malvertising, trojans, viruses and worms. So, what can a small business do for malware prevention? Here are some quick ideas. 

Take regular backups

If data is stolen or lost, having backups always helps. Ransomware attacks typically impact an organization’s ability to retrieve or access data, because the hacker encrypts files and asks for a ransom, in return of a decryption key. If you take regular backups, restoring the encrypted data and preventing disruption in operations can be prevented. 

Keep an eye on emails

Most malware are downloaded from emails, and this is precisely why cybersecurity training is so, so important. Make sure that your employees know what it takes to find malware files and they should be encouraged to report the same. Malware files often have an .exe extension. 

Patch all software and firmware

Manufacturers and vendors often have patches and updates for their respective software and firmware, and for a reason. These updates have often fixed many issues within a program, which can be otherwise misused by hackers. Ensure that your company installs such patches and updates as and when available, and without delay. 

Use anti-malware software

There are varied kinds of anti-malware software products in the market, including antispyware and antivirus options, and these are designed to prevent malware attacks. Your employees can get alerts, and in case a system or device is infected, the anti-malware software will inform on the same, as well. 

Firewalls and network segmentation can help

Place your IT resources, especially networked devices, behind firewalls, which work as the front defense. Network segmentation, which is about dividing the network assets and allocating them to different subnetworks, can be handy for preventing the impact of a security breach. If one subnetwork is infected with malware, you can isolate it easily and continue to regular operations. 

As you may have guessed, preventing malware attacks doesn’t have to be about expensive budgets. Just take the right steps and ensure that your teams are working together towards security.