Why Do US Citizens Need A License To Marry

Marriage is a beautiful union and everything about it should be done properly. Although marriage is an agreement between two people, in the United States of America, a marriage license is needed before a wedding can take place. The times before a wedding can properly take place, it is very important to make out time us getting a few items which play a big role in if the marriage is holding or note. Some of these include obtaining a marriage license which is a document given out by a governmental authority when two people have been granted permission as they are city legal to marry. It is important to more that this marriage license is just a go-ahead to marry and dissent mean you already are.
It is considered very essential in the united states as before two people can get married, there has to provision of proof that they are both legal, in both age and citizenship. However, there are other ways of marrying a foreigner can be handled as well.
How Do You Get A Marriage License?
If you are looking to Obtaining a marriage license, the bride is expected to go pay a visit to the counter clerk. This is to be done in a location where they are getting married. Doing this might cost you 35 dollars to 115 dollars. This is a very important trip to make to avoid further confusion in the future. It is also important to know that these marriage licenses are only applicable for a state which you choose to get married in. Basically, if you want to get married in Arkansas, you can’t get a license for New York.
A couple doesn’t have to be a resident of the state to get a marriage license as you can get from any of the 50 states. But it is truly important to double-check all important details in getting a marriage certificate such as knowing how long you can process one in a particular state and what the waiting period could last like. General, marriage licenses are valid for only a specific time period which is usually a period of 30 days before they expire. However certain states allow you to hold on to it for one year and some States issue you a marriage license on the same day as your wedding while some would offer you a waiting period of 3 days.
Getting a marriage license would require identification for both soiree and although requirements may vary from place to place, the most common form of identification include a birth certificate and driver’s license. If you were previously married, you would need proof of divorce before going on with your wedding.
There are so many other requirements but in the past, blood tests are required before a marriage license can be issued in the united states. No matter what requirements, they are completely outrageous and can be easily obtained. Some states let you sign a consent waive and you don’t have to offer some requirements such as Montana rubella blood test if you are under the age of 50 before you can proceed with the marriage.
Are Marriage Licenses And Marriage Certificates the same thing?
Marriage licenses are not the same as marriage certificates. When a couple gets married, they would then have their marriage license signed by both of them plus one or more witnesses which depends on the law of the state the wedding is being carried in. After being signed, the officiant if the wedding would then be required to file the marriage license and this would be some through the local government authority, where the license was issued. This makes the marriage a public record and then the marriage certificate us then mailed back to the couples and these process takes about 14 days.
The marriage certificate is very important as well as should be kept safe as it serves as proof that your marriage is legal and would come in use if you decide to change your name or for immigration and health benefits. It can also let you obtain a house loan together. So it is very important to get a marriage license before proceeding with a wedding. www.usmarriagelaws.com is a great resource for you to use if you have questions about how to get your marriage license.