What Are The Main Threats To Springs?


Inadequate practices of human activities which result in the irresponsible exploitation of soil and water, are the factors that most cause the degradation of watershed areas. Check out! In this context, water damage restoration services list the most relevant.

Environment Pollution

Excessive environmental pollution results, among other actions, from the lack of basic sanitation infrastructure in large part of the national territory. Environmental degradation also causes uncontrolled erosion processes and siltation of rivers and lakes.

The precariousness in the management of rainwater and the inefficiency in the collection and disposal of solid and liquid waste also worsen water quality from springs.

In addition, the continuous removal of vegetation cover harms air quality, as it unbalances the composition of atmospheric gases and reduces rainfall in some regions.

Industrial Activities

In addition to reducing water availability, the excess of waste dumped into rivers greatly accentuates water pollution, which generates, among other impacts, the overexploitation of water sources.

With this, the volume of water available for residential and industrial supply, incredibly close to urban centers, becomes increasingly scarce and of dubious quality.

Inappropriate Soil Management In Agriculture

Problems related to inadequate soil management during agricultural activities significantly influence the quality of water sources. Many agricultural inputs have a high potential for toxicity and further increase the level of soil impermeability. With rain, excess nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides are taken to rivers and lakes, contaminating them.

Even though water is a renewable resource through the hydrological cycle, agricultural practices are so devastating that they compete with the natural processes in the sequence of that cycle.

Activities such as clearing forests disrupt evapotranspiration and compromise the natural dynamics of the return of water to the environment. Unfortunately, many agricultural companies bypass the legislation and are not even concerned about the magnitude of the consequences, as they are not held responsible for these acts.

Incorrect Garbage Disposal

The leachate resulting from the decomposition of waste in open-air dumps infiltrates the soil and reaches the surface layers of water sources. The absence of sanitary landfills and adequate areas for receiving recyclable waste also contributes to accentuate this problem.

Furthermore, it is also possible to verify the impact generated by society’s lack of awareness regarding garbage collection and packaging. If there were more responsible for these practices, many of these issues would be alleviated.

Untreated Sewage

Unplanned urban development is one of the biggest causes of watershed destruction. Clandestine housing and without any sanitation infrastructure contribute significantly to increasing water scarcity and quality in urban areas.

Untreated sewage ends up reaching water sources and raising water contamination rates. All types of impurities arising from biological waste, mainly fecal coliforms, end up in water sources.

Thus, not only the quality but also the possibility of using these waters is highly impaired. In this conjecture, the government authorities and the private initiative must unite in favor of preserving the springs.