Web.com Reviews Shares Places to Promote Your Business Other Than Social Media



Social media is a great place to fish for traffic but isn’t the best option to build a business. It is a tool that you can use to supplement your business. However, when you’re promoting your business, not relying on social media is generally a good idea. Social media administrators hold the right to change or alter your content. Moreover, it is important to reach your target audience through various channels to improve your brand recognition. Web.com Reviews shares a list of a few additional places on the internet other than social media that can also help your business. Without further ado, let’s get started.

The Places

  1. Company website- A company website is your ground and is governed by your laws. You decide what content you can or cannot upload, which is crucial when you’re driving traffic towards your website and creating a brand.

It is a portfolio and a catalog and is the perfect place to put up promotions. There is no end to the possibilities you can implement to convert customers. Install a live chat, design attractive CTAs, offer free stuff, you can do a lot with your personal website, which isn’t possible on a social media website.

  1. Podcasts- Podcasts are a reliable way to build a customer base. You can hold weekly podcasts by yourself or host in someone else’s show. Either way, you are gaining a reputation that can help you promote your business.

There are a variety of subjects you can host a podcast on, case studies being the most popular format of all. You can share insights, tips and tricks about your company’s failure, and provide your audience with useful information, after which you can begin with your promotions.

  1. Email marketing- Email marketing is very effective for online promotions. Granted that most promotional emails go into spam folders, if written correctly, the readers will be naturally drawn towards reading those.

The good idea is to supplement promotional emails with interesting snippets of information that readers would find useful. If your emails do not appear as spam, they have a higher response rate than usual.

  1. Sponsor an Event- The best way to make your brand known is to be a part of society. Sponsoring local events is great for circulating your brand’s name throughout the community. You can even host events by yourself like seminars.

Charity events are also a great way to make yourself known, and many businesses are already committed to donating money to several charities periodically. Genuinely show your customers that you care about people, and they will be inclined to choose you over other brands.

  1. Sign up with Other Business Partners- Promoting your business alongside similar trades is an excellent way to establish your brand in the community. Try for mutually beneficial partnerships. If you sell t-shirts, find a business that sells trousers, ties or any other wearables, and come up with exciting offers benefiting each other.


According to Web.com Reviews, these are just a few of the many ways you can promote your business without the help of social media. Feel free to experiment with new possibilities and discover new ways to grow your business.