Reasons for Paternity Test


There are many reasons for one to order a DNA paternity test. Depending on circumstances, they could vary from a simple, at-home-test to satisfy a nagging doubt to a full legal trial in a paternity suit. The following are the most common reasons people have to perform the test. If anyone needs the test solely for the peace of mind, then a simple to use, at-home-test will suffice, whereby the curious fellow collects the samples and sends them to a testing lab of self-choice.

That brings the issue of where to take the samples to. With so many labs around, it is difficult to know who does it and who does not. Should anyone be looking for a lab that does ‘’paternity test near me’’, one with reputable history handling the same will ensure confidence and privacy. Ultimately, below are some of the top reasons for parents and just anyone can go in this direction?

Paternity Suits against the Man

In cases where a man has a paternity suit filed against him and is facing child support payments, it is important to establish the biological relationship between the man and child, while still making sure that the results are recognized in a court of law. Often, a man may be unaware of the child’s existence until a suit is filed, or he may doubt paternity for various reasons. In some cases, a mother may be keeping a child from its father, so he may file the suit in order to gain access. Either way, he would need a paternity test with legal bearing to prove or disprove the claim.

Inheritance Cases

When it comes to inheritance cases, situations arise where unknown, or known but disputed, children lay claim to an inheritance. While many of these may prove false, it is still wise to have a DNA paternity test carried out to clear up any doubts and be fair to all concerned. The same would also apply to a child-bringing claim to a mother’s estate since DNA testing is not solely applicable to men.

Adoption Cases

In cases where a child has been adopted or conceived through donor conception, the child in question often grows up wanting to find his/her biological father. Following divorce cases where a mother gets sole custody, or in issues where a child has been raised by adopted parents, there is often a need to meet and have a relationship with their biological father once the child grows up. Paternity tests are an important step here to finding their “real” father.

Sibling Father or Parents Relationships

Sibling cases come with their own challenges when it comes to testing. A paternity test on each sibling will determine if they share a common father; however, they would still require a paternity report to determine who that father is. In cases of twins, one cannot assume that they share the same father, since 1 in 12 twins worldwide has different fathers.

Claims for Insurance and Social Security

Social security and insurance claims also require proof of paternity when a father is deceased. Typically, in such, a medical examiner would obtain DNA posthumously and conduct a legal paternity test without the claimant needing to rely on other forms of evidence to convince a court that a biological relationship existed.