Matthew Davies Stockton Explains How Rats Can Impact Your Home Improvement Project

Rat infestations are a common occurrence in renovated households. The vermin usually seek shelter in gaps, cracks, and holes, which are available plenty during the reconstruction phase. Once the critters make themselves comfortable, they start to breed and spread throughout the house, making your life a living nightmare. Even small-scale renovations can invoke hordes of these creatures that can cause small to medium scale damage to your home, in addition to the health hazards. Matthew Davies Stockton shares some useful tips on how to handle the infestation and take of your home. Let’s begin.
The Explanation
- How rats enter your home- Houses are exposed to various openings during renovations. Some of the common entry points for these vermin are as follows:
– Loose walls can cause small wall cavities that are ideal for rats
– Open-air ducts while cleaning off the ventilation system
– Chimneys are considered a crowd favorite for these vermin
– Rats also prefer passive vents leading out of basements and other humid areas of your household
– Loose windowpanes are the most common source of entry for rats and mice
However, rats won’t nest unless the area is favorable. Homeowners and construction workers also play a significant role by leaving behind garbage, wood stacks, debris, and other landscape supplies which are the perfect hiding place for rodents. Prioritize covering open-ended objects with mesh wires to ensure nothing gets in during renovation.
- How to keep rats out during renovation- If you plan to take off your doors and the roof for a repair, make sure to seal off holes and slits in the walls. These are vital entryways and invite all sorts of rats and mice.
Take a look at the list of commonly sought out infested zones in a household:
- Leaves and foliage- Rats often seek shelter from the weather and other predators amidst piles of leaves and bushes. Don’t allow leaves to accumulate in your backyard and make sure to rake your lawns regularly.
- Wooden piles- If you have a fireplace, you surely have a pile of wood lying around in your shed. The golden rule dictates that such wood stock should be stored at least 12 feet away from your home, to ensure the rodents don’t wiggle into your home.
- How to control the spread of rats during a renovation- Rodent infestations can go out of hand very quickly. It is vital to smite them at the beginning before it’s too late. Besides making your property uninviting to rodents, you can also use traps and other do-it-yourself tricks to ensure a small colony doesn’t turn into an outbreak.
You can use a single trap, or a large one that can house multiple all at once. Most traps are quite sophisticated and keep them in a chamber. You can empty the dead by pushing a small lever, no contact required.
Rat infestations during a renovation can affect your living standards once the work is complete. They can spread diseases and can potentially harm people if they are bitten. The tips shared by Matthew Davies Stockton should help you deal with such an infestation and control it before it spirals out of hand.