How to Select an SEO Partner
The natural path to small business growth is increased sales through internet marketing. Starting with a compelling website, promoting that website so that it appears in the first few pages of Google search results will certainly drive more traffic to the website. There are so many websites all competing for page 1 but there is only one page 1 for a given search. How can a small New Jersey business appear on page 1?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process of technical and labor-intensive tasks which, when done well, will bring a website from obscurity close to or even onto page 1. The technical aspects of SEO are complicated and time-consuming. Most small businesses have neither the manpower nor expertise to manage an SEO campaign while also managing their business operations. It makes the most sense to outsource this important function to a team of experts.
There are thousands of companies offering SEO services across the nation. A New Jersey SEO company can better serve NJ small businesses because they have the local knowledge of the area. But how to select the right NJ SEO company?
Based on an analysis of the site and company goals, a good online marketing firm in NJ will make a plan which includes “detoxing” any bad links associated with the website and a keyword analysis to determine the search terms that will likely yield the best results. They will carefully choose websites to link back to the company website.
The SEO firm will use experienced writers who can create content such as blog posts and guest posts related to the products or services the company is promoting.
Of course, the NJ SEO consulting company should keep the customer well-informed of how the SEO campaign is going and make adjustments as needed.
Read this infographic from Landau Consulting to learn more about selecting your SEO partner.