How to provide first aid in case of a sprain


According to Erste-Hilfe Kurs Führerschein München the stretching is damage to soft tissues (ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves) under the influence of force that does not violate their integrity.

Signs of sprain: sudden severe pain, swelling, impaired joint movement, bleeding into the soft tissue. When feeling the place of the sprain, painfulness is evident.

First aid: keep the injured person quiet, bandage the injured joint tightly, keep it immobile and reduce hemorrhage. Consult a trauma doctor if possible.

The forced position of the limb and the deformation of the joint shape can immediately attract attention during the examination, but may not be evident under thick clothing in cold seasons. In this case, it is necessary to proceed by the method of exclusion from the worst-case scenario:

  • The first thing Erste Hilfe Kurse teaches, make sure the victim does not have a fracture and associated bleeding. If the victim is conscious and adequate, ask him to move the distal (far) parts of the limb, that is, the fingers (hand, foot).
  • Displacement of the articular head with desquamation of the joint capsule and springing of the limb in its normal position also belong to the specific signs of dislocation. First aid, according to Erste Hilfe Kurs neuperlach, in this situation:
  • Assess the situation and provide a safe environment for assistance, call an ambulance, fix the injured limb in the position it was in after the dislocation, and give the limb an elevated position. Secure the limb with a bandage or hang it on a headscarf. In case of dislocation of the joints of the lower extremity, the victim must be taken to a medical facility in the prone position (on a stretcher) with cushions placed under the limb.