How Many Grafts Are Needed For A Hair Transplant?


Hair fall is one of most researched cosmetic concern and people suffering from hair fall tend to do everything possible to cease the progression. Hairs have become sign of youthfulness and enhance your personality. Nowadays, cosmetic assets play a vital role in professional and social success. Due to which trend of hair transplant and other cosmetic surgeries have increased.  

Hair loss mainly occurs due to genetic cause which is also called androgenic alopecia or pattern baldness. The other causes for hair loss includes hormonal imbalance, thyroid disorders, systemic diseases associated with hair loss, stressful life and increased pollution. These causes could lead to either temporary or permanent hair loss. 

What is Hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a minimally invasive restoration procedure wherein follicular grafts are harvested from the donor area based on the availability of hair density followed by their implantation at the recipient bald area. The hair transplant is often mistaken as the procedure which uses artificial hairs or someone else hairs for transplantation. Opposing to this, the technique uses your own hairs which are harvested from other ample hair density locations. These harvested hair follicles are termed as grafts.   

What are grafts?

Grafts are referred as the tissue containing hair follicles harvested from higher density safe donor area and are transplanted at the desirable recipient bald area. These grafts are harvested only from the DHT resistant safe donor area which is intended to stay for lifetime and deliver permanent results. 

Following the procedure of hair transplant you can achieve a pleasant look but unrealistic expectations of getting head full of hairs could not be possible. Hair transplant can recover maximum of 30% of the lost hair density as every transplanted hair follicles requires its individual blood supply for nutrition to grow. This is not possible to provide blood supply to 100% hair follicles and therefore could only recruit certain number of follicles.  

There are 2 primary techniques available for harvesting of grafts for hair transplantation including FUT and FUE. The choice of opting these techniques in patients for hair transplantation majorly depends on number of graft required for the procedure. 

For self assessment of vague number of hair follicles required for your hair transplant hair graft calculator is designed. The final confirmation on number of follicles required is estimated by hair transplant surgeon during primary consultation. Hair transplant calculator calculates the needed grafts/square centimetre bald area and is available online on official website of Medispa clinic. 

How many grafts are needed?

The number of grafts required is confirmed by your hair transplant surgeon depending on multiple factors including:

    1. Extent of baldness: The number of grafts required for covering the bald area is solely based on the extent of baldness examined by Norwood’s classification.  The highest numbers of grafts are required in advanced bald case of Norwood VI and VII. 
    2. Availability of hair density in donor area: The hair density of donor area is responsible in determining the available number of follicular grafts which can be possibly harvested from the donor site. The decision of number of graft harvested should be judiciously done so as to make sure that it should not lead to overharvesting or density depletion at donor site.  Along with it care should be taken to involve only the safe donor area to ensure the permanent results. 
    3. Family history of extensive baldness: In patients with pattern baldness showing family history of hair loss special care should be taken while deciding number of hair follicles. The hair follicles for one session are decided thinking judiciously about the progressive hair loss and further sessions of hair transplant.
    4. Experience of Surgeon: Experienced surgeons will surely perform the surgery better with the least damage rate of follicular grafts. The higher survival rate of follicular grafts is crucial for the future benefits of the patient and to cover more bald area. On other hand, inexperienced surgeons intentionally harvest more numbers of follicular grafts in advance so as to counterbalance the wastage of damaged grafts by them. In this way you might end up losing the valuable hair follicles which could have been successfully used for your hair transplant. 


  • Patient’s expectation: Clear expectations should be set during primary consultation for complete satisfaction of the patient. High density hair transplant are famous nowadays but can only be possible when the donor area is sufficiently dense. It is always better to pre inform the minimal expectations possible. 


Dr Suneet Soni, founder of Medispa centre is renowned for genuine suggestions and sound decision making to deliver world class results at an affordable hair transplant cost in Delhi. He is recognized and appreciated for his excellence in surgical skills and artistic vision. He is one of the most celebrated surgeons for best hair transplant in Delhi

If you have any doubts or queries consult Medispa hair transplant clinic of Delhi and Jaipur for best assured outcome.