4 Common Myths About Identity Verification


Businesses and their clients in the United States and elsewhere across the world place a high value on ensuring their customers’ and employees’ safety in the context of the technological world. Those worries about safety were shown to have both value and significance by the persistent efforts being made to enhance the identity verification process.

These urgent concerns are yet another explanation for why there are so many misunderstandings and falsehoods about the various techniques of identity verification. Here is some information that the large organizations who hold your data do not want you to know, as well as some information that you should understand about the myths and the falsehoods surrounding your own personal and professional security and the precautions that are in place.

1. Inexpensive and time-consuming both.

Identity verification services may appear to be more expensive than having a customer come into your office or send certified copies through the mail; nevertheless, the initial expenditure must be measured against the longer-term return on investment to make an informed decision. Transactions are delayed, important staff time and resources are used up, and margins become even more compressed as a result of back-and-forth email conversations with customers, the pursuit of missing information, and the inspection of papers to confirm authenticity. We’ve seen electronic ID replace whole employment positions and thus give a more cost-efficient solution. In addition, computerized identification checks may be finished online and in a matter of minutes, which helps streamline operations and enables legal work to begin sooner and just be finished earlier.

2. More authentication means more complications.

Since they are acquainted with it, many decision-makers in IT continue to utilize a single-factor authentication method. After all, comfort comes from familiarity. Nevertheless, this seeming ease of use is also premised on the notion that passwords are practical and offer consumers a frictionless experience. This presumption is based on the assumption that passwords are handy. On the other hand, many individuals in charge of making decisions on IT think that multifactor authentication makes the login procedure more cumbersome.

Some people in decision-making roles are comfortable with the concept of friction as a necessary result of identity verification services. Others stay away from it for precisely the same reason. However, friction is not synonymous with security.

3. In its digital form, personal information is less protected from unauthorized access.

On the contrary, in fact. Think about the fact that a physical ID is nothing more than a depiction of digital data that’s already been around for decades; it is not the final destination of an individual’s data. Then you should consider how susceptible information such as your date of birth, residence, physical resemblance, and other personal details are if a wallet or a driver’s license made of plastic is dropped & lost in some location. Even if there is a possibility that a citizen’s phone may also be misplaced, there are multiple levels of protection that separate a citizen’s digital ID from the hands of any other person. To unlock the phone, you are going to need to use a combination of several forms of identity verification services, such as a PIN, fingerprint biometrics, or even Face ID.

4. The use of static data provides strong protection.

There had been a time, back in the olden days of cave paintings that we were talking about before, whenever static data was, at the very least, an adequate wall of security. In this day and age, thinking something like that is analogous to believing that a porch light can deter burglars; it is myopic and ineffectual.

Since we live in a digital world now, data including such addresses, dates of birth, as well as other typical information are too easily available. Sources of artificial intelligence, sources of dynamic data, and other combination methods are now being employed to produce a better, smarter, and much more complex security gate.


We believe that some common misconceptions about identity verification services have been dispelled by this. Electronic identification is an efficient tool that may help you mitigate risk, simplify the experience of doing business for your customers, and ensure the safety of financial transactions.